Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dinner is Dinner..

Tyden has been put on a new shift at work and so he leaves for work around 3pm everyday. I really miss sitting down and eating a good meal with him. And so we decided to start eating Dinner at lunchtime. I Love it. I set the table and make dinner and we just sit and talk and watch Barrett make a mess with his food. The upside is also that I have more energy during the afternoon than I do in the evenings so cooking is all around easier to do. And for dinner I can just make a quick meal for me and Barrett like I would normally do for the lunch meal. There is something to be said for good food, good people, and a little hand me down table that serves it purpose.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Get out Much?

Well its only been...5..7.. 8 Months since I last posted. But Ive been cooking up another little guy and he has worn me out! Nesting has thankfully hit and Im motivated and ready to get up and going again. Im due with our second little boy in 4 weeks and I cannot wait!