It's Love

Journal Entry from August 23rd, 2009

Im getting MARRIED!

Tonight Me and Tyden had a date. When he came to the house he gave me a ring box, when I opened it there was the most beautiful aquamarine earings inside, So sweet. My heart raced for a minute before I opened the box honestly. I knew he had bought an engadgment ring for me but I had no idea when or where he would one day propose :) So the earrings were a lovely suprise. He had seen them and thought of me...awwwww. Every little girls wish.. and Im grateful he didnt propose to me in my room while he was kneeling on dirty clothes..haha. Im usually not messy but I was in the middle of moving. For our date we went to the pottery store and painted cereal bowls and then we went out to dinner. On our way home I was teasing Tyden about wanting to make out with him in his Truck. As I was saying this he pulled into this dirt field and I was like "what!? where are you taking me?" I thought he was seriously taking me parking..hahaha. And I wasn't complaining :) But he pulled into the middle of the field and put the bed of the truck down and said he wanted to look at the stars. It was a beautiful night and the stars were shining a little extra bright in my humble opinion. We talked for what seemed like hours. He poured his heart out to me like he never had before. I dont even remember what he said! I just remember knowing this wonderful man loved ME for me.. for who exactly who I am. And then he knelt in the middle of that dirt field and proposed to me with the most gorgeous ring Ive ever seen! And he picked it out himself. He couldn't have done better! Of course I said YES! I knelt down where we could be on the same level and shouted YES YES YES!!!! We got engadged in that dirt field where roots start and new beginnings happen. 

Fast Forward 1 month.......

If You can believe it, Me & Tyden are officially engaged and we are getting Married November 14th, 2009 in the Mesa Arizona Temple. Life is so Wonderful and I am SO Happy. It's Just one of those crazy Love stories where timing is everything. We know all the same people and have been all around and had never met. And then just when we thought Life was good..Wham! We met and Life isn't just good now, It's Amazing!
Ps..And Chea portrays our feelings for another perfectly in these photos. I don't know if I could have trusted another to have done so...She is amazing and we will always be grateful to her.

Fast Forward 4 Months......

Pre-Wedding Pictures
Me and Tyden had pre-wedding pictures with Chea a week before the actual wedding. I was so nervous walking up the stairs to where he was waiting already in his Suit. I didn't really believe the myth about it being bad luck to see me in my dress but all the thoughts were running through my head. "what if he doesn't like me in it "What if ..What if" ... Well he Loved the Dress and me in it =) I am so in Love with this Boy...Sigh....

Fast Forward one week....November 14th, 2009 The Best Day of My Life

Erin and Tyden SEALED the deal!
This day was Tops, I Love my Husband, I love my new Family, and I Love the joy and peace that being sealed in the temple to your eternal companion brings. Can Life get any better? I submit that it cannot.

Rain Rain..The temple ladies said it was good luck if it rained on your weding day! 

So our HoneyMoon story is just wacky but it was ours so We Loved it. When got married Saturday, and that night at about Midnight we left to the Airport from the reception (Long day on top of Me and Tyden having colds). Our flight was a bit delayed so we slept on the benches at the Airport. We had one stop in Detroit as the flight was so long to North Carolina (our honeymoon destination). And then we were on our way again. We landed in Charlottsville and rented a car to take us the rest of the way to Emerald Isle where our beach house was waiting for us. I dont remember most of the trip there, I had so much Nyquil in my system. But finally we got there, we got better, it was gorgeous, and we had an amazing good time!
So beautiful
First time at the beach together..
lots and lots of kissing :)
My shell finding boots 
It was too cold to swim but it was the best!

Inside the beach comfy and relaxing

Im smiling because Im married not because your making me sit on this lame Turtle
The Nerd
The Free Spirit

Yay! We found a Temple!
It's Love

Still Lovin the View
My Favorite Season..Fall
Charlotte, NC

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